Belynda Petrie



Belynda Petrie has 19 years’ experience in international development on climate change, water, energy, capacity building, skills and knowledge transfer. This follows 12 years’ corporate experience including Board Directorships on two multinationals. Belynda has deep experience in water governance and in climate investment finance, designing renewable energy and climate adaptation strategies across Africa. She is concluding a post graduate thesis in cooperative water governance in Southern Africa. Belynda is also an author of numerous research papers, policy briefs, reports, strategies, books and articles in climate change, water, energy, and finance. She is also a frequent invited international conference speaker. Belynda has led projects on all the river basins in Southern Africa. She provided strategic, technical and logistical support to the Africa Group of Negotiators focusing on all key climate change negotiating points. She regularly provides policy and technical advice to African continental institutions and Governments.