Hina Lotia

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Hina is a development professional with 20+ years of technical experience in project implementation, research, training and capacity building, development planning, program development and knowledge management. She is currently deputed at the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives on behalf of the World Bank. Hina has designed and led planning and development of numerous initiatives on sustainable development, environment and climate change, water resource management, rural and urban resilient development, and knowledge networks. She has successfully managed projects and programmes across Pakistan and in Asia including Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Indonesia, and parts of Central and Southeast Asia. In addition, Hina has designed, developed and rolled out a multitude of training and capability enhancement programmes at national and international platforms. She has led various research projects and published internationally, having won the Annual APPAM/JCPA Best Comparative Policy Paper Award 2019 by Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management and Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.